Lessons Learned from 5 Years in Staffing

After five years working in a staffing agency, I’ve picked up a lot of tips and tricks that I feel can really help anyone looking for a job. Here are some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned:

  1. Apply Even if You Aren’t 100% Qualified

Don’t hesitate to apply for a job even if you don’t tick all the boxes. You never know what could happen. Sometimes companies have other roles they need to fill that aren’t posted, and your skills might be exactly what they’re looking for.

  1. Proofread Your Resume

I see resumes every day and it’s amazing how many small mistakes people make. Always proofread your resume and have someone else look it over too. Watch out for things in all caps because spell check won’t catch those errors.

  1. Be Honest with Recruiters

Recruiters want to help you find a job. If you’re interviewing elsewhere or have certain needs, let them know. Being upfront can often speed things up and help the recruiter find the best fit for you.

  1. Keep Your LinkedIn Profile Up to Date

Make sure your LinkedIn profile is always current. Even if you’re not actively looking for a job, having your skills and experience listed can help recruiters find you when they’re searching for specific keywords or job titles.

  1. Be Nice and Don’t Burn Bridges

This should be common sense, but I feel it needs to be said: be nice! Treat everyone with respect, no matter who they are. You never know where you or they will end up in the future. Someone you meet today could be a key connection for your next opportunity. Keeping a good reputation opens doors and creates new chances.

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